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Hot Glue Buns are taking the ants out of dance. Every person can dance if they want to! The Buns understand that stepping out of your comfort zone can be uncomfortable and confronting at times, which is why they aim to create inclusive, encouraging and light-hearted environments when they engage with community. Their community based projects are designed to be approachable and empowering for a diverse set of backgrounds, ages and abilities.

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In 2021, Hot Glue Buns developed ‘Hot Glueshops’, as part of Moreland City Council’s Festivals Development Program. These were a series of dance workshops specifically designed to gently introduce contemporary movement and abstract thinking to people with little or no formal dance training. The success of these events have led the Buns into several different community contexts.


Hot Glue Buns also love engaging with younger audiences, and have gained experience running Hot Glueshops for children both in community festivals, and other contexts. Catch us at Fawkner Festival in November, where we will be running ‘Dance for Funs with Hot Glue Buns’! 


Hot Glue Buns are working with local communities and/or organisations to regularly run these workshops. If you are interested, or would like to find out more information please contact us through our Say Hello page. 

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